"Asia’s Leader in Education, Research
and Treatment of Tropical Diseases"



Physical Therapy

         Physical therapy is a modern health profession. The aim of physical therapy is to restore the patients to the normal or nearest possible functional status. Physical therapist use a variety of modality to treat their patients. Mostly aim on strengthen, relaxing and balancing of muscle and joints.

Diseases that can be relieved by physical therapy

  1. Musculoskeletal problem such as
    - Back pain
    - Neck pain
    - Sciatica
    - Stiff joint
    - Frozen shoulder
    - Wasting of muscles
  2. Neurological disease such as
    - Hemiplegia
    - Paraplegia
    - Spinal cord compression
  3. Respiratory and Cardiovascular problem such as
    - COPD
    - Bronchiectasis
    - Lung Abscess

Treatment modality in our Physical Therapy unit

  1. Diathermy
  2. Ultrasound
  3. Traction
  4. Hot pack/Cold pack
  5. Joint mobilization
  6. Massage
  7. Electrical stimulation
  8. Range of motion exercise
  9. Strengthening exercise
  10. Gait Training
  11. ADL Training

Service hour
         Monday to Friday except public holiday
         From 9.00-15.00