Malaria ClinicMalaria Clinic

A 24-hour, free-of-charge malaria clinic is executed since the beginning of RTIC activities. Blood samples of patients who suspected malaria were examined by microscopists and the proper malaria drugs were prescribed for malaria positive patients.
Parasite Survey
Aside from malaria, intestinal parasites have also been a field of interest in Suan Phung district. A wide-scale stool survey was done in several villages to minimize the worm burden in the villagers. The repeated surveys were done occasionally until now.

School Health Program

Disease Surveillance
In 2008, we recruit 45 volunteers who live in the villages surrounding RTIC, to train for basic knowledge and practice for disease surveillance activities such as malaria case finding, following up malaria positive cases and other activities concerning to the malaria prevention and control in the communities. Recently, these volunteers still work actively to support surveillance function and other activities of the RTIC.