Cardiovascular Research Unit

Head : Prof. Polrat Wilairatana, M.D., Ph.D.
Staff :

– Dr. Chatporn Kittitrakul, M.D.
– Dr. Kittiyod Poovorawan

E-mail :


The Gastroenterology Research Unit is located on the 5 th floor of the Hospital-T Building, Faculty of Tropical Medicine to support research, teaching and service activities in the Department of Tropical Medicine. The research activity of the unit is focused on the tropical gastroenteric diseases, e.g. food borne diseases, intestinal parasitic infection, intestinal protozoa infection, hepatitis, hepatobiliary disorders, etc., mainly in the hospital based with the aims; to investigate the new methods for treatment of gastroenteric diseases, to develop the new procedure for the diagnosis of gastroenteric diseases, etc. The unit has collaboration with Phop-Phra Hospital, Tak and Suan-Phung Hospital, Ratchaburee to study in the field works.


We also collaborated with Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Science; Mahidol University, Thailand; Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Allied Health Science, Thammasat University, Thailand; Faculty of Pharmacy, Rangsit University, Thailand; Department of Immunology and Medicine, USAMC-AFRIMS, Thailand; Department of Microbiology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR; Laboratorire Hospitalo-Universitaire de Parasitologie et Mycologie Medicale, Cayenne, French Guiana; The International Medical Centre of Japan, JAPAN; Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University, U.S.A. and McLaughlin Center for Molecular Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada.


Current activities

The mission of unit has served the mission of the Department of Tropical Medicine to pursue the mission in three major activities, teaching, research and medical service. The details of each activity are showed as follows:

Teaching activity

Unit’s staff has involved in the teaching activity of the Department of Tropical Medicine both in-house lectures and field works, particularly in 5 courses for Graduate and Diploma students of Faculty of Tropical Medicine as listed below:

Postgraduate(International) Program

Undergraduate Program

  • M.D. : Collaborative Project to Produce Rural Doctors (CPPRD)

Research activity

Anti-parasitic drug trials, both efficacy and safety aspects, are mainly conducted. We are also studying on the epidemiology of food borne diseases and intestinal parasitic/protozoa infection, the alternative method to diagnosis of tropical gastroenteric diseases.

Medical Care Services

Medical care service is one of the main functions of the unit. Our medical staffs have involved in activities of Bangkok Hospital for Tropical Diseases (both in-house works and field works).