Head of Drug Research Unit for Malaria (DRUM)

    Dr. Patrapuvich obtained a B.A. degree in Biochemistry from Chulalongkorn University and M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees in Biochemistry from Mahidol University. She has a background in malaria genetics and malaria pharmacology, including training in two laboratories: BIOTEC, in Bangkok, Thailand and the University of Washington in Seattle. In these labs, her research focused on applying functional genomic tools to understand drug responses and resistance mechanisms in malaria parasites. After her postdoctoral training at the University of Washington in Seattle, she joined Mahidol University, Thailand in 2012 as a lead scientist of a liver-stage lab at Mahidol Vivax Research Unit (MVRU). In 2017, Dr. Patrapuvich was appointed as a head and principle investigator of the newly established “Drug Research Unit for Malaria (DRUM)” at Mahidol University.

For her contribution to the development of new antimalarial drugs, she has received the 2017 NIH US-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program (USJCMSP) Award and the 2020 Mahidol University – University of Washington Malaria Research Initiative Award.