Thesis/Thematic Paper

At least 4 credits

Courses Open


There are 2 study plans in the programme. Students who choose plan A(2) study will focus more on research work. However, they need to take same amounts of credits and subjects as in plan B. The differences are in the credits in elective courses and the reserach works presented as thesis in plan A(2) and as thematic paper in plan B.

For preparation of research proposal, please see guideline in the proposal template. The EC form can be downloadable from the ORS Website, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University.

There are 2 study plans in the programme. Students who choose plan A(2) study will focus more on research work. However, they need to take same amounts of credits and subjects as in plan B. The differences are in the credits in elective courses and the reserach works presented as thesis in plan A(2) and as thematic paper in plan B.