Training Courses
In addition to regular post-graduate international programs, we also offer international short training courses for medical and public health officers. The previous training courses include:
- Year 2007: Training Course on Common Problems in Tropical Pediatrics: Practical Approach (17-21 Sep 2007)
- Year 2008: Epidemiology, Management and Control of Dengue (21 Jul -1 Aug 2008)
- Year 2009: International Training Course in Tropical Pediatrics (24-28 Aug 2009)
- Year 2010: Asian Dengue Course 2010 (16-21 August 2010)
- Year 2011: 3rd International Training Course on Tropical Pediatrics (22-26 August 2011)
- Year 2012: 2nd Asian Dengue Course (3-7 September 2012)