Core Courses

Core course (8 Credits)
Credits (lecture-lab-self study)
TMCD 605 Designing Clinical Research 2 (1-2-3)
Prerequisite: None
The principles of clinical research, the importance of ethical aspects and good clinical practice (GCP); writing and presentation of research proposal; classification of clinical research, principles of clinical research; biostatistics in clinical research, administration of clinical research; Research grant applications; principles of ethical aspects and GCP
TMCD 615 Clinical Apprenticeship in Tropical Medicine
4 (0-8-4)
Prerequisite: None
Clinical practices of tropical diseases in adult patients with moral and ethics principles; gaining experiences in caring tropical discase patients in clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tropical diseases
TMHG 604 Applied Medical Statistics I
2 (1-2-3)
Prerequisite: None
Applied medical statistics; foundation of medical statistics; probabilities, Hypothesis testing; statistical program STATA, and statistical tests in epidemiological studies; Chi-square test, logistic regression model, t-test and Linear regression model