Name: Pornsawan (Amarapal) Leaungwutiwong
Position: Associate Professor
Department: Microbiology and Immunology
2004 Ph.D. (Tropical Medicine), Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand
M.Sc. (Tropical Medicine), Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand
B.Sc. (Radiological Technology), Faculty of Medical Technology, Mahidol University, Thailand
The course of “Study on the Host Range of Influenza Virus” at University of Shizuoka, Japan during from July 1, 2005 to September 23, 2005
“Molecular Epidemiology of Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases: Experimental Techniques and Bioinformatics” at Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand during from May 2 to 4, 2006
The course of “High Containment Laboratory (BSL-3): Principles and Practices” organized by Biosafety and Biosecurity Network (Thailand) during from May 20-22, 2009
The Research and Development of Therapeutic Products against Infectious Disease, especially Dengue Virus Infections Project of Osaka university in the course of “Human monoclonal antibodies (MAb) preparation” at Research Institute for Microbial Diseases (RIMD), Osaka University, Japan during from November 16 to 27, 2009
The course of “Evaluation of Hurnan Monoclonal Antibodies” at Research Institute for Microbial Diseases (RIMD), Osaka University, Japan during from June 17, 2012 to June 22, 2012
The Research and Development of Therapeutic Products against Infectious Disease, especially Dengue Virus Infections Project of Osaka university in the course of “Human monoclonal antibodies (MAb) characterization” at Research Institute for Microbial Diseases (RIMD), Osaka University, Japan during from March 19 to 31, 2012
The Research and Development of Therapeutic Products against Infectious Disease, especially Dengue Virus Infections Project of Osaka university in the course of “Evaluation of Hurnan Monoclonal Antibodies” at Research Institute for Microbial Diseases (RIMD), Osaka University, Japan during from June 17 to 22, 2012
The course of “Arbovirus Diagnostics and Surveillance Procedures Training, 2013” at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Vector-Borne Diseases, Arboviral Diseases Branch, CDC-DVBD Labs, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA during from April 29 to May 3, 2013
“The Effective Use of Biosafety Cabinets and a BSC Certification Overview: Myths and Facts” at Rama Gardens Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, January 15 to 16, 2014
“T-cell interaction with endothelial cells in dengue hemorrhagic fever: the role of flow conditions” at Institut fur Physiologie, Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat, Munster, Germany during May 17 to 19, 2014
“Immunofluorescence technique for the preparation of Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunyavirus slides for antibody detection in the BSL-3 and visit BSL-4” at Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNI) during May 20 to 24, 2014
Hand-on Training Workshop on the Laboratory Diagnosis of Ebola virus by Real-time PCR, at Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand on November 28, 2014
Training program on “A process of preparation for an ISO 15189 and ISO 15190 accreditation” at Pratap Singhasivanon Conference Hall Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand on May 14, 2015
“TEIN4 Workshop on the application of next generation sequencing data analysis on pathogens of tropical diseases” at Emerging Virus Research Unit (EVRU) and Bioinformatics Unit Eijkman Institute of Molecular Biology, Jakarta, Indonesia during from September 8 to 11, 2015
Training program on “Human Subject Protection” at Sornchai Looareesuewan Lecture Hall, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand on June 13, 2016
Training Course on “Biosafety: Principal of Biosafety”, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand on December 19, 2016
Training in workshop “Biosafety: Principals and Practice” at Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand during from January 18 to 20, 2017
Training Course on “The Use of Animals for Scientific Purpose” at Office of Computer Services, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand during from March 13 to 14, 2017