Natthida Sriboonvorakul

Name:  Natthida Sriboonvorakul

ชื่อ-สกุล: รศ.ดร.ณัฐธิดา ศรีบุญวรกุล

Position: Associate Professor

Department: Clinical Tropical Medicine

Last updated: Septemper 13, 2023

Personal Statement

Personal Statement

           I am currently Associate Professor of Biochemistry working at Department of Clinical Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand. My research interest relates to technology discovery and development in the field of Biochemistry and Bioanalytical chemistry using several advanced technologies, in particular analytical separation, chromatography and mass spectrometry, in the study of infectious and non-communicable diseases. My current project study on Proteomics and Metabolomics study for biomarker discovery and translation for early detection of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Gut microbiome and acidosis in severe malaria.


Last updated: October 2, 2024