The Department ofTropical Nutrition and Food Science
The department has a wide range of ongoing researches consisting of two main parts, which are tropical nutrition and food science. For the tropical nutritional field, we focus on several researches including malnutrition problems, obesity, dislipidemia, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis and epigenetics study in nutrition diseases in vulnerable groups. We also emphasize on the research of the effect of genetic and protein changes in human on the nutritional status. Additionally, we attempt to search for pure natural products from Thai medicinal plants, which have the anti-cholangiocarcinoma, mosquitocidal, anti-HIV and anti-obesity activities. Regarding to the food science field, we currently conduct extensive studies on food microbiology, especially probiotics. Glycosidase enzymes are also of great interest for application in agriculture and food industry fields. Since 1966 until now, our department has been published approximately 400 articles in the prominent international journals and 100 articles in both local and national journals. Additionally, the department has produced the graduation of over 80 Ph.D. and M.Sc. students. Annually, we arrange short training courses entitled “Methods in Nutritional Assessment and Research”, which have been arranged for 9 years and have more than 400 participants to be trained. We also served to determine the vitamin level (B1, B2) in serum and red blood cells, which are only a laboratory in Thailand.