Laboratory services
Pathological diagnostic services, including autopsy, were provided for patients at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases and other hospitals. Special specimen services were also provided, i.e. permanent slide for microscopic anatomy and pathology study; electron microscopy service.
your websit

Cytopathology Services ( 1- 3 day)

Histopathology Services (3-5 days)

Electronmicroscopy Services
What We Do

Reference Centre for Malaria Pathology
The department has a large collection of specimen of tropical diseases traced back in 1969, most of which is difficult to find in the present time. These include malaria both adults and children, amoebic liver abscesses, dengue hemorrhagic fever, typhoid fever, cholangiocarcinoma secondary to massive Opisthorchiasis, tuberculosis and other rare opportunistic infections such as penicillosis, histoplasmosis, disseminated cryptococcosis and CMV infection. Currently, The Department of Tropical Pathology has established a prestige Reference Centre for Malaria Pathology which includes a teaching reference for malaria and its pathogenesis, collection of malaria autopsy cases and research on malaria pathology and pathogenesis. This reference centre has gained wide interest and we constantly received visitors in medical and research fields to this Reference Center.