023549100 ext. 9181


Dr. Kittipong Chaisiri is Lecturer in the Department of Helminthology. Although not working solely with helminths, Dr. Kittipong Chaisiri sees helminths playing an important role in answering his main research question on diversity: from ecological parasitism in a changing environment, diversity of host and parasite, habitat, as well as cultural diversity and local perception in human community. He wants to find out how biodiversity links to people’s health, particularly on a local scale.

He has a Ph.D. in Infection and Global Health from the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom.



Dr. Kittipong is expert in rodent-borne diseases, helminth systematic and taxonomy, parasite diversity and ecology, and microbiome analysis. His research focuses on rodent-borne diseases, including microparasites (e.g., bacterial and viral diseases) and macroparasites (e.g., helminths and ectoparasites) carried by wild rodents in Southeast Asia.

Ongoing Research Project(s)

Research Name Funding Source
• Development of mitochondrial ribosomal genes as DNA marlers to characterize parasitic helminth community of wild rodents using DNA metabarcoding approach
• การพัฒนาเทคนิคดีเอ็นเอเมตาบาร์โคดจากไรโบโซมอลยีนส์ของไมโตคอนเดรียในการตรวจระบุเชื้อปรสิตหนอนพยาธิองค์รวมในสัตว์ฟันแทะจำพวกหนูตามธรรมชาติ
ทุน Fundamental Fund ประเภท Basic Research Fund ภายใต้แผนงานย่อย : พัฒนานักวิจัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ประเภททุนส่งเสริมนักวิจัยรุ่นใหม่


2010 M.Sc. (Zoology) Kasetsart University, Thailand
2004 B.Sc. (Veterinary Technology) Kasetsart University, Thailand

Research of Expertise

  • Microbiome analysis
  • Parasite diversity & ecology
  • Rodent-borne diseases
  • Helminth systematic & taxonomy

Diseases Covered/Research Area

  • Scrub Typhus
  • Helminthiases infection
  • Leptospirosis

Scopus ID
