Core Courses
Core course and required course:
Compulsory to take these course (12 credits)
Core course (8 Credits)
Credits (lecture-lab-self study)TMID 534 Cellular and Molecular Biology of Tropical Diseases 2 (2-0-4) Prerequisite: None Cell structures and functions; Cell regulation; Cell specialization and parasitic cells; Basic and applications of molecular biology techniques in tropical medicineTMID 536 Host and Environmental Aspects of Tropical Diseases 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Environmental factors, Nutritional factors, Host factors influencing pathogenicity and pathology of tropical diseasesTMID 537 Tropical Pathogens and Vectors 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Important tropical diseases; infectious agents, virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites, intermediate hosts and vectors; geographical distribution of diseases; pathogen life cycles, symptoms; diagnosis, treatment and control of diseasesTMID 538 Field Practicum in Tropical Medicine 1 (0-2-1)Prerequisite: None Planing, integration of knowledge and skills in infectious agents in tropic; Detection and analysis of disease vectors; Host and socio- environmental factors affecting disease occurrence and transmission; Diagnosis; Risk communication; Disease prevention by community participationTMID 548 Epidemiological Concepts in Tropical Medicine 1 (1-0-2)Prerequisite: None Fundamental of epidemiology in tropical medicine; Measurement in epidemiology; Risk assessment and strength of association; From association to causal; Review of study designs; Critical appraisal Required course (4 Credits)
Credits (lecture-lab-self study)TMID 513 Biostatistics 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Statistical methods in biomedical research; Basic concepts, data analysis and interpretation; Statistical methodology; Assessing sampling errors; Role of chance; t-test, Chi-square test, simple linear regression and correlationTMID 544 Research Methodology 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Formulation of rationale, research question, objectives and research title; Study design; Sample size calculation; Data analysis; Ethical issue in biomedical and social science researches