Elective Courses
At least 2 courses of your choice (4 credits)
Credits (lecture-lab-self study)TMCD 518 Malaria 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Malaria history; Epidemiology; Transmission; Pathogenesis-pathophysiology; Clinical manifestations and complications, Immunological responses, Diagnostic methods; Treatments and management of complication; Preventions and control; Drug resistance; Clinical researchTMCD 519 AIDS 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Epidemiology, pathogenesis, host immune response to HIV virus, diagnosis, clinical manifestations, treatment, prophylaxis and prevention; AIDS vaccines; HIV counselingTMCD 520 Seminar in Clinical Tropical Pharmacology 2 (0-4-2)Prerequisite: None Current topics in clinical tropical pharmacologyTMEN 508 Practical Entomology 2 (1-2-3)Prerequisite: None Field survey; laboratory colonization of insect vectors; Detection of pathogens in insect vectors, insect cell culture; Identification, isoenzyme, cytotaxonomy, molecular biology techniques; Insecticide suscepyibility test; BioinsecticideTMEN 516 Advanced Methods in Medical Entomology 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Current methods in medical entomology, physical, chemical, biological, molecular biologyTMHG 516 Application of Geographical Information System (GIS) in Epidemiology of Tropical Diseases 2 (1-2-3)Prerequisite: None Disease mapping of tropical diseases; Geographical Information System (GIS); Remote Sensing (RS); Global Positioning System (GPS)TMHG 517 Statistical Methods in Spatial Epidemiology 2 (1-2-3)Prerequisite: None Spatial epidemiology, sampling and analysis; Cluster analysis; Surface analysis; Spatial autocorrelation and regressionTMHG 518 Research Proposal Preparation 2 (1-2-3)Prerequisite: None Principles of data management; Data processing; Clinical, field and laboratory data management; Data entry; Data transformation; Practice in using computer software; Techniques in statistical analysis and presentationTMHM 507 Systematic Helminthology 2 (1-2-3)Prerequisite: None Principles of systematic helminthology; Identification of medically important helminthes; Phenotyping and genotyping taxonomyTMID 515 Advanced Molecular Biology in Tropical Diseases 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Current publication in molecular biology of tropical diseases and insect vectors; Pathogenic mechanism; Diagnosis; Tropical disease vaccine development; Infection leading to cancer TMID 518 Advanced Parasitology 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Current knowledge; Novel technologies in parasitology; Application of techniques in radiology, biochemistry immunology, molecular biology and other parasitology-related fields TMID 519 Experimental Techniques in Parasitology 2 (1-2-3)Prerequisite: None Basic laboratory techniques for studying parasitic infections in experimental animal and in vitroTMID 520 Molecular Biology of Parasites and Vectors 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Molecular biology of parasites and vectors; Aanalysis of biomolecules; Applications in diagnosis and taxonomy of the parasites and vectorsTMMO 512 Bioinformatics for Tropical Medicine 2 (1-2-3)Prerequisite: None Biological and genetic information; Genomic information; 3D structure of protein; Protein function; Applications of bioinformatic databases for tropical diseasesTMMO 513 Proteomics and Metabolomics in Tropical Medicine 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Proteomics and metabolomics; Mass spectrometry; Sample preparation, quantification, interpretation, identification; Network analysis; Application of proteomics and metabolomics in tropical medicineTMMO 514 Protein Chemistry and Enzymology in Tropical Medicine 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Chemistry, structure and catalysis of proteins and enzymes; Enzyme kinetics; Factors affecting enzyme activity, enzyme inhibition and regulation; Transport proteins and receptors; Protein purification and analysis; Enzymes in tropical medicineTMMI 514 Advanced Immunology 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Current knowledge and advanced research on the mechanisms of the immune responses; Molecular basis of host-pathogen interaction; Pathogenicity; Genetic regulation of immune response to tropical diseasesTMNU 508 Nutritional Epidemiology 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Principles of nutritional epidemiology; Prevalence, incidence and disease proportions; Investigation of infectious disease outbreak and food poisoning; Nutritional measurements; Current knowledge and research in nutritionTMNU 512 Biochemical and Nutritional Instruments 2 (1-2-3)Prerequisite: None Instruments; Utilization for the biochemical and nutritional analysis; MaintenanceTMNU 513 Molecular Biology in Nutrition 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Molecular biology knowledge and application in nutrition and food science; Gene and chromosome abnormality study by DNA technology; Protein abnormality study by biochemical techniques; Bioinformatics for diseases of abnormal metabolism and nutritional disordersTMPT 506 Principles of the Electron Microscope 2 (1-2-3)Prerequisite: None Principle of electron microscopy; Sample collection and preparation; Operation and production of the electron micrographTMPT 507 Seminar in Pathology of Tropical Diseases I 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Current scientific articles in pathogenesis and pathology of tropical diseasesTMSE 501 Social Science Research Methodology 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Methods of social science investigations; Social science research designs; Data collection for qualitative and quantitative researchesTMSE 532 Biotechnology Business 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Entrepreneurship; Intellectual properties; Patent analysis and utilization; Bio-economy; Business plan writing; Cash flow management; Marketing; Legal issues; Exit strategy; Case study from successful biotechno-entrepreneurTMID 546 Practical Molecular Biology of Parasites and Vectors 2 (1-2-3)Prerequisite: None Analysis of biomolecules and genetic sequences; Molecular identification of parasites and vectorsTMSE 523 Environmental Health Impact ssessment 2 (1-2-3)Prerequisite: None Environmental health and social impact assessment of development projects; EHIA procedures; Public participation; Laws and regulations; Mitigation measures; Impact monitoring and evaluation; EHIA report preparationTMSE 534 System Dynamic of Enviromental Health Management 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None System thinking and system dynamics modeling; System dynamics of Environmental Health; Causal loop diagram; Modeling construction; Calibration and sensitivity analysis; Application to strategy; Policy maker designTMSE 535 Environmental Changes and Tropical Diseases 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Effects of climate change, land use change, habitat fragmentation, and disruption of ecosystem services on the ecosystem structure and functions, the spread and severity of tropical diseases; Assessment of disease transmission dynamics in intact and altered ecosystemsTMSE 536 Water Quality and Sanitation 2 (2-0-4)Prerequisite: None Drinking water quality standards; Sanitation systems; Water contaminants and health hazards; Health and aesthetic aspects of water quality; Water treatment processes; Water reuse and reclamation; Risk management of drinking water; Water quality and sanitation management